Crane control
with no rock and roll
The electrolytic manufacture of aluminium is dependent on a regular
supply of carbon anodes so that the aluminium oxide (alumina) stock
refined from bauxite ore, can be split into its component elements.
Such are the volumes of metal to be manufactured at Anglesey Aluminium,
typically130,000 tonnes a year, that the company produces these
one tonne carbon block anodes on site. The company is 51:49 owned
by RTZ/Kaiser who purchase and sell all its manufactured pig, sow,
rolling ingot and billet aluminium. Initially, carbon and pitch
are mixed and then baked in a gas furnace to around 1200 deg C to
produce the anode. After cooling, the blocks are mounted on rods
ready for fitting in the pot (electrolysis chamber).
The manoeuvre of the anodes to and from the baking furnaces is dependent
on two 150 tonne NKM overhead gantry cranes which pick and place
three blocks a time. Once in the furnaces, the blocks are covered
with coke and heated. At the end of this process the coke is sucked
up by a vacuum attached to, and moved by, one of these gantry cranes.
The vacuuming operation involves the crane driver making hundreds
of small traverses, stops and starts.
Operating in these axes, the cranes have been controlled by a system
created and built over ten years ago. The drive system consisted
of an array of relays and potentiometers together with electronics
which control two slip ring induction motors - one at each end of
the crane gantry - which were fitted with rotor resistances and
tacho-generator feedback.
The cranes are crucial to the aluminium manufacturing process, yet
are high maintenance items which have regularly suffered downtime
due to the stress of their work. The large rotor resistances in
the motors were a major contributor to the maintenance headache,
while frequent braking created wear and the need to regularly maintain
the motors high up on the crane's tracks.
One of the most time consuming problems was resetting drives after
they had tripped out. "Setting up the cranes had become something
of a black art with the existing control system," explains Anglesey's
senior electrical control systems engineer, Colin Webb. "With little
information to work from, you could spend hours trying to fault
find. At the end of the day faults weren't removed from the system,
they were transferred within it."
Crane control was set-up with acceleration and deceleration ramps,
but these were extremely difficult to set. Often the stopping and
starting appeared to be effected almost the instant the driver moved
the joystick. This maximised stress on the crane's mechanics, and
on long rapid traversing slowing and stopping increased wear on
the brakes.
Indeed, to adjust the previous drive involved laboriously setting
up and measuring voltages, adjusting potentiometers and making often
imprecise assessments of parameters. There was no recording of faults
or diagnostics to assist the engineer setting or resetting the control.
Moreover, the control equipment was a complex labyrinth of wires
and components housed in cramped conditions in panels above the
crane driver's cab.
Solving the twin-track problems of a high occurrence of downtime
and lengthy set-up periods once failure had occurred, became a priority.
Adds Webb: "A drive system that records operating parameters, indicates
faults before critical, provides diagnostic information and can
be set up to effect less stressful crane operation; looked attractive
provided the technology to do so was available and at a realistic
price. The Hitachi sensorless flux vector inverter met these criteria."
To effect motor control, sensorless flux vector technology relies
on measuring motor currents directly rather than using external
sensors or tacho-generators. These currents are compared, within
the inverter, with a software model for the motor being driven.
Adjustments are made instantaneously to ensure the flux vector is
maintained at a 90 deg. Angle, thereby maximising torque even at
low frequencies. Hitachi sensorless flux vector inverters achieve
150% torque even at 1Hz and could therefore provide Anglesey Aluminium
with the muscle needed to start the cranes smoothly - something
a conventional voltage/frequency inverter could not achieve.
As a trial, Anglesey Aluminium has installed a 37kW sensorless flux
vector drive on the long travel of one of the cranes, leaving the
cross travel and hoist as they were. The brake is now redundant
- apart from the emergency stopping and parking - due to smooth
deceleration and stopping from the inverter.
"Employing a standard inverter drive on a crane of such large mass
was to a certain extent charting new applications territory," comments
Webb. "Factors we had to consider included getting the brake resistor
correctly sized. We worked with HID to quickly assess this, and
the system has worked perfectly since it was installed earlier this
year. Because maintenance access is such a headache with these cranes,
it is vital to us that downtime is minimised. The drive has come
up trumps on this score."
The sensorless flux vector inverter fits in a neat single box with
a simple operator keypad by which to program the drive. A record
of diagnostics is provided by the drive, so that in the event of
a trip, the drive setter knows exactly what caused the problem.
To date, there have been very few trips on the crane since fitting
the new inverter. Now, unless there is a system fault, resetting
is by the press of a button. Programming the drive involves merely
pressing a few keys to recall the relevant program from the control's
Another common problem which has been overcome by using the new
inverter is that of crabbing. Crabbing occurs where the two long
travel motors start out of synchronisation, causing the gantry to
move out of 90 deg alignment with the long travel. Under the control
of the sensorless flux vector inverter, the load is inherently shared
by the two motors which ensures they start in synchronisation. The
fact that acceleration and deceleration ramps are able to be accurately
set has also removed the tendency for the crane to shake when manoeuvring
heavy loads.
At the moment the sensorless flux vector inverter controls the original
two slip ring motors which have had the slip ring shorted out so
the motors behave as standard induction machines. Squirrel cage
motors will replace these modified units when the maintenance schedule
Anglesey Aluminium plans to fit further Hitachi drives on the cross
travel and hoist of this first crane, and on all three motions of
the second. "The Hitachi sensorless flux vector drive delivers high
torque at low frequencies and gives good speed control across the
entire speed range irrespective of loads. The cranes are picking
and placing very heavy blocks to tight tolerances. We needed good
stability and repeatability during this process and got if from
this drive," concludes Webb.
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